Project idea: pkg-config support in compilers

I’ve got a lot of ideas in my head of things I’d like to see, but don’t have the time to see out myself. Perhaps this could be a series. However, unlike many “idea guys”, I’m aiming to explain how you could implement this. And please do – I’m sharing because I think it’d be beneficial, or at least interesting to think about.

Anyways, what I have wanted for a while is pkg-config support in compilers. Perhaps it could simplify smaller build systems for programs without needing to involve something like CMake. Or maybe it’s a bad idea, but we can at least learn along the way.

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Loose ideas for operating systems

This post has been copy-edited by doppler. Thanks!

Most research nerds either start writing Unix hagiographies or start stapling a 99-point thesis at the doors of Murray Hill. This is the latter kind of post; I’ll try to cover ideas for systems that could be meaningfully different from current systems. I’ve done a lot of research on existing concepts and existing systems, particularly those that could have been the future. Existing systems can be extrapolated into something new.

A lot of the ideas have been percolating in my head for a while now and are rough ideas for what could be. Perhaps I’ll iterate on them further, or realize there’s a reason no one was doing these before. The main idea is a place to start off, and it iterates from there. Treat it like a buffet of ideas; caveat emptor for people who don’t like musing.

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