Accessing iPhone photos and media from Nautilus on Linux

If you plug your iPhone (or other iOS device) into your Linux system, you might see in the sidebar the virtual filesystem for app document storage, but not photo/media storage. If you don’t see the photos virtual filesystem, go to the app document virtual filesystem first. Change the :3 at the end in the afc:// URL to :1. (You may need the proper GVFS plugins for AFC and gphoto2 first.)

Is Linux collapsing under its own weight? On Rust for Linux

Recently, one of the developers of the Rust for Linux project, Wedson Almeida Filho, resigned from the project. In his parting message, he linked a video of a filesystem maintainer shouting at him. Afterward, Asahi Lina, developer of the Apple GPU drivers for Linux (which have not been upstreamed yet), posted a series of threads on Mastodon (first one), expressing sympathy for Wedson and her own frustrations with maintainers and Rust from the DRM perspective. While it’s tempting to look at this as just “Rust haters vs Rust pushers” drama, I think these signal deeper issues in Linux, both technical and cultural (which often feed into each other). In this article, I’ll summarize the issues for those unfamiliar and speculate where it could lead.

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Formatting disks and clearing RAID config on Power systems with iprutils

I recently put some spare disks into a Power S814 server, and when I tried installing an OS, be it VIOS or Debian, it would say that there were no disks available to install onto.

It turns out that the RAID configuration on the controller and the disks didn’t match. This is par for the course with any RAID controller, even in the x86 world. It also didn’t help that some of the disks were formatted for IBM i, which uses non-512-byte block disks. We need to use the vendor utility to clear out the RAID config, and format the disks to be usable by commodity operating systems.

The two utilities IBM provides for this are either the diagnostics on the AIX Standalone Diagnostics disc, or using the iprutils set of software. Since netbooting Linux was easier as I don’t have a NIM server, I’m choosing to do the latter here.

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Netbooting Alpine Linux on a PowerVM system

I had a need to run a utility that requires Linux (specifically, iprutils to configure a RAID card) onto a Power S814 that I had installed at a datacentre, and no remote hands to boot a CD with. However, there’s not much information documented on how to boot Linux on these systems from a network. This article aims to synthesize what I’ve found online, since information about IBM Power systems tends to be scant outside of IBM documentation..

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Debugging an x86 application in Rosetta for Linux

Rosetta on Linux has been great for me, as someone who switched to an ARM Mac and sometimes develops in a VM. This is because my dayjob often involves debugging a proprietary database driver that only has x86 and PowerPC versions available for Linux, not 64-bit ARM. However, while Rosetta can make it easy to run x86 binaries, it’s not as obvious how to debug them. If you naively try running GDB on your x86 program, you get errors like:

warning: `/lib64/': Shared library architecture unknown is not compatible with target architecture aarch64.
warning: `/lib64/': Shared library architecture unknown is not compatible with target architecture aarch64.
Cannot insert breakpoint -1.
Cannot access memory at address 0x66ec48

This is because you’re attaching to the Rosetta binary, which causes all sorts of confusion for GDB. Turns out, Rosetta does actually have a way to handle this.

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Baby’s First iSCSI with ZFS Setup

I recently got interested in trying out iSCSI, since I had spare capacity on my server. For those unaware, iSCSI can expose block devices over a network. Instead of a file system, it exposes a (virtual) disk, and lets the system connecting to it manage high-level details, including its own file system. This has very different trade-offs from file sharing like SMB/NFS; sharing the disk isn’t really possible, but you avoid a lot of the performance impact from (often different) file system semantics.

This makes it possible to do things you might otherwise not recommended with file sharing, like hosting a Steam library on it. Especially so if you have the iSCSI setup on its own network. Remember, most file systems assume a mostly direct connection to disk. Running this over a shared Ethernet connection, let alone WiFi might not be the best idea.

Also note that I’m not describing a secure setup here. This is very much “baby’s first”, and should only be done on a secure network, or as an experiment. Securing it will involve properly configuring things like portal groups, and isn’t covered in this article. I might cover it in a later article.

This also synthesizes a lot of information I found online; in particular, this basically digests some information in the FreeBSD handbook about the iSCSI target subsystem and ZFS volumes, plus Red Hat and Oracle documentation on iscsiadm.

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A years-late first-impressions review of the Dell XPS 13 9300

Recently, I picked up a Dell XPS 13 9300 – while a few years old, I picked it up for quite a bit market value ($500 CAD – when equivalent-ish models range from $600 to $900 on the used market). While I don’t plan to use it as my daily driver, I did have a need for a newer Intel machine – I didn’t have anything after Haswell; just my Ryzen desktop and M1 MacBook Air. However, I decided to give a shot, and overall was pleased by what I saw, albeit with some caveats. Here’s what I think…

XPS 13 indoors, playing music via a Bluetooth headset
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Win32 is the stable Linux userland ABI (and the consequences)

This post was inspired by some controversy with Valve and their support for Linux, but the bulk of it comes from long-term observation. One of the biggest impacts with the viability of Linux on the desktop was Valve’s Proton, a Wine fork integrated in Steam allowing almost any Windows game to work out of the box. To Linux users, life was good. However, with the recent announcement of the Steam Deck, a handheld device powered by Linux, Valve’s marketing towards developers explicitly mention no porting required. Valve’s been aggressive with this message enough that they’ve allegedly told developers simply not to bother with Linux ports anymore; enough that it makes commercial porters like Ethan Lee concerned.

However, I suspect this is the long-term result of other factors, and games are only one aspect of it. After all, we all know the Year of the Linux Desktop is around the corner, along with nice applications. Linux won’t rule the world just from games, even if some people really want it to be true. How did it come to this, and why?

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Portable software is more complex than you think

I’m someone who cares about making software portable. In fact, I actually have a job basically doing so. For most Unix-shaped things (better known as things, since Unix destroyed all competition), the POSIX standard exists to codify common attributes and provide a common ground. Unfortunately, this is made far more complicated by systems both doing many things outside of POSIX’s lowest common denominator, and systems just not implementing POSIX correctly. People tend to think “portability” is whatever operating systems they use, and assuming the lowest common denominator is that. While many guides recommend writing software in a disciplined (or tortured, if you disagree) manner with separate compilation units for platform differences when possible, the reality is your codebase will have #ifdefs and a configure script if it does anything useful. Not to mention the increasing irrelevance of the standard itself.

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Potemkin villages and the autocracy of design

tl;dr: As much as I respect the efforts undertaken by groups like Gnome and elementary, I have to wonder if what they’re building is barely enough, and provides an illusion of substance.

There’s been a lot of effort spent on the Linux desktop. The groups I respect the most on this front are Gnome and elementary, due to their focus on UX design and trying to do new things. While Gnome has been controversial due to their design and stance towards design, I think a lot of the controversy on that front is unmerited (i.e Gnome’s design isn’t actually appropriate for tablets as much as the peanut gallery thinks). I appreciate that someone is trying to do something other than “Windows 98 stomping on a human face, forever”, and it’s what I use on my desktop. Controversial for other reasons (also unmerited, a man’s gotta eat; that desktop won’t happen with getting paid in exposure), elementary’s design has been considered very nice (often making it recommended for “my first distro”), if a bit derivative at first glance. What makes it more interesting in the morass of many OSS UX clones is UX as a priority/value (instead of something that’s just there) and iterating on existing UX. Sometimes it works out, doesn’t it doesn’t, but I respect the attempt at trying something new and seeing if it’s better.

However, I wonder if what they’re doing is enough. They have a desktop, many components of that desktop, and human interface guidelines (elementary, Gnome); all components you need. What I think is missing is the substance. Where’s the ecosystem of applications that embrace the HIG, and how does the intricacies of the of the environment come into play for complex applications and situations?

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